Life Flies By....

Feb 01, 2023

Friends, it’s true what they say, “Life flies by”….

When I look at these few snapshots of my brother’s life, I am reminded again of how precious and unpredictable life is, and I feel sad to know that we won’t get any future pictures of him. Just a few months ago, surrounded by loved ones, Jimmy left this earthly existence.

Losing a sibling is heart-wrenching on several levels. Before he passed, my two brothers were probably the only people alive who really knew me well as a child. Knew how we were raised. Knew how we were loved. Knew our family function… and dysfunction.

All his life we saw Jimmy as the omega man - stronger than an ox, brilliant, athletic, fun, tall, dark and handsome. He could do anything he set his mind to. As the middle child, he was the facilitator, the one of us with a heart of gold and the one who would, literally, give you the shirt off his back.

Thanks to our momma, our bond was strong.

Jimmy grew up to be a complicated man, a vibrant story teller – partly truth and partly fiction. And I’m realizing that like him, I’m a walking contradiction too.

There were times I judged him harshly and sometimes we were on rocky ground but I always knew if I needed anything, and I mean ANYTHING, Jimmy would come through for me.

Reflecting on and digging deep into my grief and pain points in my relationship with my brother, takes courage because it forces me to look at my own life - my own actions and inactions, but rewards me by prompting higher understanding of him and so, myself. It helps me to further forgive him…and myself.

My relationship with my brother contributed to the closing and the re-opening of my heart, and thus, one of the most valuable lessons of my life. His passing and my on-going healing expand the lessons I learned from him…at an even deeper level. And while we may have no further pictures with Jimmy, he continues to teach me.

Jimmy and I are storytellers. I’ll share some of them with you. For now, go bear hug someone you love, feel their precious physical presence and see them in the light of LOVE.

Love is ALL there is!





This episode was produced and marketed by the Get Known Service

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